Monday, January 24, 2011

Touch-Base from the Vastness

Almost two months since my last posting.
You may wonder what happened to this gypsy, or if there are no more stories to tell.

The vastness of the stories to share is just as infinite as this desert: so many thoughts, questionings, anecdotes, reflections that I dare say I could have material for writing for at least another full year (making daily postings). However, the richness is such at multiple levels (spirit, adventure, relationship, exploration, culture, outdoors, exotics, photographic-wise) that I would like to have those experiences shared in some other way, maybe ink and paper. So, stay tuned… the gypsy may be silent, but her spirit is intact and continues humming full-on, working on the next glimpse of life to share.

Having said that, I always look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to drop a comment or send an e-mail any time. I thank you all for following this gypsy during this exciting and eventful year… your comments and feedback have kept the gypsy writing, giving her food for thought and kept this little bonfire on. This is by no means a farewell; it’s just a touch-base note. At any moment, the fire will be full on again.

Stay in touch, Stay well… I hope to hear from you soon!

@ Erg Chebbi, Sahara.