Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 3- The Peaceful Pacifying Storm

Photo 1: Snowstorm in the Monastery.
Photo 2: Monks walking in the snowstorm.
Photo 3: Snowstorm from my window.

By moments I am so much into the moment that I have lost track of the day of the week or the number of the day.

When I woke up today at 6am, it was snowing; and even though it was freezing in the room, I pushed myself to get up for an hour of yoga.

Snowing non-stop. All day.

This is my first snow-storm in 3 or 4 years, and after 7 years of having plenty of them in Toronto! I do not miss them, but there is always something special about the first snow storm of the season. Although calendar-wise, this is the end of the Winter, these are my first Winter days in a long time.

There is something peaceful and magical in snowing, unlike thunder storms, where it seems that heaven wants to demonstrate its power to us, to humble us. The silence and quietness of snowing, everything seems to be in slow motion, or even stopped still for a long moment. Except for the shoveling truck driving by my road, driven by the monk who registered me and lent me his computer. Except for an occasional car passing by the main road (the main road separates the Nuns from the Monks). This oasis of peace needs no peace enhancer… I take the snow storm as a baptism for those of us visitors from the hectic world, a baptism of peace, gently convincing to slow down, to stay in, to appreciate.

Quote of the day:
“A person outer action reflects his inner mind”.
[From “IF NOT NOW, WHEN?” by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, Kechara is a non-profit Buddhist organization.]

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