Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spazio Libero (Free Space)

After 24 hours of traveling (if you count all on the same US local time, and from wake-up to check-in) or 30 hours (if you count the time difference), I woke up to a sunny day, in a city that actually needs no sun to show its charm, its beauty, its warmth…

In some way I was mad at myself for having slept in, but I am also aware that I needed ZZZ time. No time really to plan the day, so I just decided to follow my instinct, explore the area of my hotel, and just take the map in the event of an emergency (i.e., loss of my inner “north”). Just as this chapter of the sabbatical, this day, day one of this stop would be a “Spazio Libero”!
Via Andrea Doria Viale delle Milizie

And so I did. I started ‘bumping’ into what I thought was “The Palace” ’s dome at the end of every dead-end street, accidentally while looking before crossing the streets. Although I was born in this type of driving culture (i.e. where zebra-crossings are just a mere decorative déjà-vu that happen to be at every corner of every city in the civilized world!), it always takes me a while to re-adjust particularly when coming from places where zebra-crossings mean yield to pedestrians!

My walk to this Palace was a joy to my eyes… the buildings on the main avenues and the buildings on the tiny streets… their shape, their colors, the combination and contrast of colors, the flowers apparently strategically chosen and placed, it all seemed a warm-up for what I would face.
And just as the name of this piazza, hopefully what I experience at some point too...

Piazza Risorgimento

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