Putting on everything, seems like they are trying to show what they do not have, or even worse, what they do not are. Result: pathetic. Trying to be all, they become none. Trying to be like everyone (everyone in Italy), they become no one (undistinguishable piece of that uniform, pitiable, disgraceful mass). Trying to shine solely because of the way they look, they become dull. It also seems that women around them have lost their taste, their eyes, or their heart, or all together. While looking at these men dressed and styled in questionable ways, I was wondering: isn’t there a wife, a girlfriend, a sister or a matrona (Italian mother of strong, intrusive, controlling personality) around them to tell them they look far from glamorous by trying to put everything on? Or maybe women have also lost their objective eye. Or maybe women do not care any more.
My further puzzlement comes from a comment I heard from a relative of mine who was trying to introduce me to a friend of his, and providing me with a description. He rounded it up with this warning: “he seems a bit gay, but he is NOT! Nothing further!” So, I thought, they have not lost their ‘eye’… maybe they are just flirting with different styles. And while women respond to that eye-soaring game, they will continue playing.
Maybe I am the one who has not evolved, and who still expects a man to look and carry himself like a man -the more manly, the better- and not to wear pants, jewelry, sunglasses and other accessories that seem to be stolen from my wardrobe! Or not to style in a way that makes me think he spent 4x the time it took me to get ready! Having said that, isn’t there richness in diversity? Isn’t there attraction in opposites? What room are they leaving for attraction?
Maybe this is part of a fashion pendulum movement which Italians in their vanished criteria are following in masses…