Monday, September 20, 2010

A Farewell to Rome

In Roma, you do not need to step inside a church or museum or palazzo in order to admire art. Art is on the streets, right on your face, like traffic lights. Every now and then, there is a Madonna at a corner, or at some building’s entrance. In all styles, in all sizes, they seem to be there, watching what’s going on. 

Piazza de Rotonda. Madonna and colorful buildings.

Art and Madonnas inside churches are also worth sharing...

Annunciation, at Trinita dei Monti.

Asuncion, at Trinita dei Monti.
Santa Maria Maggiore.

Small image on a stunning wall, at S. Ambrosio e S.Carlo church.

Lateral altar with Virgins, at S.Ambrosio e S.Carlo church.

Luminous fresco of the Birth of Jesus, at Trinita dei Monti.

Frescoes on Santa Maria degli Angeli. Very different from the multi-colored, barroque ones.

Lateral altar at Santa Maria degli Angeli.

The Madonna gets lost in the room with so much visual overload. Sala dell' Immacolata Concezione- Musei Vaticani. (Room of the Immaculate Conception, Vatican's Museum)
Same room, frontal view.

Vatican Museum.

La Pieta, at St Peter's.

Art need not be ancient to be stunning and enjoyable. A touch of modernism, from Vatican's museum.
"Le Mani" (the hands) - by Igor Mitoraj 1989 carrara marble. Donated by artist in 2007.

"Crucifixion" (1927) by Gerardo Dottori (Perugia 1884-1977)- Oleo 1.70x1.33. Donated in 1980 by Tancredi Loreti.

Ci vediamo doppo, bellissima Roma!
(see you later, gorgeous Rome!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing such beauty!