Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Miami Expectations

Gold & Silver. Sunrise Skies on The Beach- June.
Expectations Check:
Just as at the beginning of the New York chapter I had warned you not to expect a “Sex-&-The-City” blog, the same goes here. Please do not expect a reality show or the latest tips on what is ‘hot and sexy’.

What you can expect of this chapter is…
Pandora as in life: a bit of reflection, a bit of incredible anecdotes, a bit of sharing my questionings, a bit of meeting unique characters, and sheer enjoyment of Nature. Just as I am doing here: not all can be intellectual work; I get a lot out of a golden sunrise on the ocean, or a multicolor dramatic sunset on the canal and city, or of a potent full moon between the clouds, shedding silver light over the beach. In my mindfulness (maybe also in my recently re-conquered peace) I can take pleasure in and appreciate the vibrant and eclectic architecture, or a hypnotizing flower. Not all needs to be shared in words and thoughts… a photo capturing a breathtaking moment in Nature is to me as fulfilling and worth sharing as (if not more than) a good story, and enough on a stand-alone basis. I cannot bring you here with me to watch the fragile sunrise for fifteen minutes or the theatrical sunset for half an hour, but I can share with you those visuals and I trust you get the same therapeutic and nourishing effects that they have on me. Whether through a story or a photo or an inspiring quote, you will be transported to a unique place in minutes only.

And following the Blog’s motto, mesmerizing experiences and insights is what will be shared. Hence, the frequency of postings might not necessarily be daily.

Thanks for continuing flying with this gypsy and welcome to a new start… welcome to the Miami chapter! Now, let’s go and continue flying!

“May I accept unjust loss
Such as others abusing me
Or slandering me out of jealousy
And may I offer the victory to others!
And if someone I have helped
One for whom I had great hopes
Harms me without slightest reason,
May I view him as my holy Guru!”

[From “The Eight Verses of Transforming the Mind” by Geshe Langri Tangpa]

Cotton-Candy. Sunset Skies on the Ocean- June.

Fiery Sunset pallette on the Canal- June.

Pastel clouds. Sunset on the Canal- June.

Metalic Sunset on the Canal- May.

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