Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 7 – Getting Ready to go Back to 'the World'

- Sister, I need to excuse myself from participating in monastic activities today. Today is my last day (or partial day) and I feel I need time on my own.

- Maria, I am sorry to hear you are leaving today. I wanted to talk to you about today’s activities too. Maybe you can participate in walking meditation and in deep relaxation?

- Sister, thank you. I truly need time for myself and by myself. I have been ‘hit’ suddenly yesterday with heavy stuff, and I need to digest. I have been feeling sensitive, I need time to recollect and get ready to go back to the world.

- I understand. Maybe just one of those activities, since who knows when you will be able to do this with the support of the community? If you want or need to talk, I am here for you.

- [Tears starting falling down my cheeks; I was deeply moved]. Thank you Sister. I had a deep and rich conversation while going for a long walk yesterday with Sister Lang. I just feel I need time to be on my own.

- We honor that, Maria. Ok, so I will see you at lunch.

- No, I am fasting, I have been fasting since last night.

Her astonishment was apparent.

Quote of the day:

“If we practice walking mindfully, being in touch with the earth, the air, the trees and ourselves, we can heal ourselves and our entire society will also be healed. If the whole nations would practice watering seeds of joy and peace and not just seeds of anger and violence, the elements of war in all of us will be transformed. We must prepare ourselves, whether we have one minute, ten years or one thousand years. If we don’t have time, there is no use in discussing peace, because you cannot practice peace without time.”

[From “OUR APPOINTMENT WITH LIFE – Discourse on living happily in the present moment” by Thich Nat Hanh]

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