Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 7 – The (happy) End. The (happy) Beginning.

I am happy I have finished copying the excerpts from the books I had selected, since I would like to share and even discuss them with loved ones –hopefully it helps to open some window, if not convincing, that nothingness does not exist; hopefully they trigger some other ways of looking at the world and of perceiving life.

From my window, I can see the long row of people going into the woods for walking meditation, however, I truly believe I need to stay. I might join them for deep relaxation in the afternoon. Also I am tired from all physical activity of the morning, and although today is sunny or sunnier than other days, the wind is super strong up here.

After finishing with all I wanted or needed to do, I was ready to leave. It was time for Deep Relaxation, and I had a few moments before the car would pick me up (mi ride to the bus station). Sister Lang encouraged me to attend, even if it had already started. The Meditation Hall was full of women lying down on their backs on the mats, some of them covered with blankets; I could tell that most of them were already deeply relaxed. There was a recording going on, mingling the meditation guide with soothing chanting. Since I would have only 30 minutes, attending this meditation was more out of exploration and learning, than expecting to achieve a deep relaxation.

Once out of the Meditation Hall and at the Hamlet, the car was already arrived. Sister Lang was very timely available in the tea room, as was my new friend A.. We said good-byes, thanked each other and exchanged positive wishes and contact info. Sister Lang, in all her sweetness and compassion, gave me a yogurt for my trip (as if she knew, it’s my favourite when in USA!).

Even though I feel by times tired, I am also excited and thrilled that I will see my loved ones today after a long separation, and spend a few days together. I am a bit nervous, and my stomach is closed, at the same time, I am very happy. Coming from spending days in a spiritual oasis, going to spend days with loved ones. The beginning of an eventful trip.

Happiness is here and now
I have dropped my worries
Nowhere to go, nothing to do
No longer in a hurry
Happiness is here and now
I have dropped my worries
Somewhere to go, something to do
But I don’t need to hurry.”


Photo: See you soon, my dear Monastery! (above: White Crane Hamlet)

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