Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 7- The Loop to Bliss

Photo 1: Hiking the Loop- Along the Winding Stream.

Photo 2: Hiking the Loop- through the Woods.

After that I decided to go for the ‘loop’ walk, a famous circuit for hiking amongst monastic and visitors that goes down the hill, along a beautiful stream of water, a road of picturesque houses, and up the cliff again. I have not been able to do it in full because I always had to come back for some activity or commitment. As insignificant as it may sound, having this freedom of going into an unknown path, without the limitation of time felt replenishing. After a week of being bound by slots of time designated for each specific activity, I would enjoy not being bound by any schedule (skipping the 930 working meditation). I was enjoying already having this perspective.

At a moment I thought I had taken the wrong road – I could not tell from any reference if this was the path taking me back to the Monastery, until I saw one of the sisters passing me by in the van. After miles of brisk walking in the crisp morning air, enjoying the views, digesting thoughts and emotions, listening to soothing classical music by times and by times just listening to equally soothing sounds of Nature, the sun came out; I felt wonderful. The clouds have also gone out of my heart and my mind. I received the things that were affecting me from the past, asked myself if there was anything else that I would like to voice about the past, and then started thanking for all my present blessings and looking into the future: these days I will spend in Manhattan with dear ones. And peace came back to me. I had started the walk still sobbing (unsettled emotions, overwhelmed heart and mind), and ended up glowing with a smile. That state of peace, excitement and joy, all in equal parts, none particularly overriding. Peace with the past, joy of the present moment and excitement about the future, knowing that the present contains both the past and the future.

Isn’t this what happens in our lives too? We start a new, unknown path, full of excitement and a sense of freedom and exploration. We might think we are lost at some point, or wonder if we took the right turn, if we are really on the right track. Until we get some sign confirming we are on our way. We may get clouds and it might get chilly, but the sun is always above and it comes out sooner or later. With its light, warmth and brightness, sheer bliss.

“The island within
Breathing in
I go back to the island within myself
There are beautiful trees within the island
There are clear streams of water
There are birds, sunshine, and fresh air
Breathing out
I feel safe
I enjoy going back to my island.”


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